Friday, April 6, 2012

Friday: Ending Well

My mom has always said how important it is to "end well."  What a great week have had -- and today a great ending to the week.

We spent the day touring Naples with the Italian and American youth from the church.  We got to see book and music streets, eat some yummy gelato, enjoy the sunshine, and relax in the Castel Dell'Ovo on the coast.  It was great to have this closure time with our new friends here in Lago Patria.  They have been so gracious to us, and we are so thrilled to have made these connections!  For me personally, this trip has been like a dream come true.  Some of the youth leaders now were the first members of the Jars youth group back in 2005 and 2006 when I came on a short-term trip with my home church.  It's really neat to see things come full circle since we are now leaders of the youth.  I absolutely love deepening relationships, and this trip was definitely one that helped me to reestablish connections with this wonderful community of believers in southern Italy.

Tonight, after goodbyes were said and Italian kisses given, our team met together for the last time in Italy.  We shared some highs and lows from the week and laughed a lot as Jon recapped some of the best quotes from the week.  Many of us commented on what an interesting mix of people we are, but how we have been unified this week.  We have laughed together, worked together, traveled together, grown together.  It is so encouraging to me to see that our team has bonded well, despite our own cultural differences, and that they have so thoroughly enjoyed their time here.

Goodbyes can be difficult.  But in a way, that's a good thing.  That means that we've invested something in this week.  It means that we care, we've shared our hearts, we've connected.

We're so thankful for your prayers and for a wonderful week together!  Please continue to pray for safe travels and good debrief time together once the students are back at school after spring break.



  1. Praising God that your team was able to END WELL!! Sounds like a wonderful trip. I am confident that your team was a huge encouragement to the youth leaders and teens in Lago Patria, as you were to each other as well. May He who began a good work in you (and through you), be faithful to complete it.

    Much love,
    Mom XO

    1. Thanks, Mom! I never forget that saying :) and yes, it was a great week!
